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La información proporcionada en este formulario sobre usted está destinada al uso de nuestra institución y de nuestros proveedores técnicos para procesar su solicitud. Al enviar este formulario, acepta nuestra política de privacidad de datos personales. De acuerdo con la Ley N.º 78-17 del 6 de enero de 1978 modificada y el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos, tiene derecho a acceder, corregir, borrar, oponerse y limitar el tratamiento de los datos personales que le conciernen. También tiene derecho a la portabilidad de los datos y a definir directrices sobre la gestión de sus datos después de su fallecimiento. Estos derechos pueden ejercerse por correo electrónico a la dirección Para obtener más información, consulte las menciones legales.


The present section named “Privacy” is intended to inform you about how the personal information that you provide us is processed on our Website, in our hotels or by any other method.

HELIONWOOD is bound to process the data that you entrusted us in a transparent, confidential and secure manner.

Within the context of processing your personal data, HELIONWOOD acknowledges the importance of ensuring the protection and safety of your privacy and your personal data. It has established the present section “Privacy” in accordance with the strictest criteria for personal data protection, as well as any application regulation, notably law no. 2018-493 of 20 June 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”), which entered into force on 25 May 2018.

The manner in which your personal data is collected applies to all Website users and/or HELIONWOOD customers. We request that you read the content carefully. If you do not agree with the process used by HELIONWOOD, please do not provide any personal information and stop using the Website. Following such communication, you acknowledge having been informed regarding the processing of your personal data and you accept it.

The present “Privacy” section is subject to change by HELIONWOOD at any time without notice, notably due to legislative changes. The new section shall apply from the date it is published on the Website. When providing personal information after these modifications have been made, you accept the new section.

Consequently, in accordance with GDPR adopted by the European Parliament on 14 April 2016 and the Data Protection Act 6 January 1978 amended, HELIONWOOD informs you of the following points:

The person responsible for the treatment of personal data is the HELIONWOOD company, a simplified joint stock company with a sole shareholder with a capital of EUR 48 192 919. It is registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 504 196 999 and its headquarters are located at 6 rue de Berri, 75008 Paris.

HELIONWOOD is represented by Mr Jean-Paul BIZE, chairman of the AMS INDUSTRIES company.

Information gathered on people under 18 years old is restricted to their name, nationality and date of birth, which can only be provided by an adult. Consequently, we thank you for ensuring that your children do not transfer any personal data without your authorisation (notably via the Internet). In the event that such a transfer takes place, you can contact us directly at the following email address:

We only collect information that is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary with respect to the purposes for which they are processed (“Minimisation of data”).

Your personal data may be collected on different occasions:

Visiting our Website
Whilst navigating our Website, information is subject to being registered, or read, on your terminal. We use the analytics service of Google Analytics. The information gathered via Google Analytics (notably the IP address) allows the monitoring of the volume, type and configuration of traffic using our Website in order to develop the design and layout. The information gathered also allows us to improve your customer experience by sending you personalised offers that are suited to your needs.

Opening a customer account
In order to proceed with a reservation on our Website, you place an order as a website user or subscriber. During your registration for a customer account, we collect the following mandatory data:

First name and surname;
Postal address;
Date of birth;
Phone number;
Email address;
This data is collected with the aim of providing you direct password-protected access to your details on our system database and on your history linked to possible previous reservations.

Reservation on our Website, by post or telephone
If you make reservations via our Website, post or telephone, we collect the following data:

Your language;
First name and surname;
Postal address;
Date of birth;
Phone number;
Email address;
Information regarding your credit card (card holder’s name, card number, expiry date and card security code).
This data, as well as other optional information (anticipated arrival times, comments etc.), is only used for the execution of our contract in order to input your reservation conforming to your order, to provide reserved services and to guarantee that the payment is made correctly.

Services provided
In the event that you receive additional services within the context of your stay (minibar use etc.), we record the service item for invoicing purposes as well as the date on which you received it.

The processing of this data is required for the execution of our contract.

Contact form
You are able to write to us by email. In order to do so, we collect the following mandatory information:

Email address;
We use these details to better respond to you in a personalised manner to your contact request. The processing of these details is therefore necessary for the execution of pre-contractual measures.

Subscribing to our newsletter
You are able to subscribe to our newsletter on our Website. For this, you must enter and provide the following information:

First name and surname
Email address
Phone number
By registering, you consent to the processing of the personal data that you have provided for the purpose of us regularly sending you our newsletter to the address that you have submitted. You have given us a proactive, free and informed consent with regards to the processing of your personal data.

At the bottom of each newsletter, you will find a link to unsubscribe at any time. Your personal data shall be deleted following cancellation of your subscription.

Storage and data exchange with reservation platforms                                                                                                          
If you proceed with a reservation via a third-party platform (notably the “Booking” platform), the platform operator in question shall send us different information of a personal nature. In principle, this relates to personal data stated in point 2 of the present section.

We process this data to input your reservation conforming to your request and to supply the reserved services.

Centralised storage and data linking

We record the details stated in point 2 of the present section on a centralised electronic data processing system. Your personal data is then systematically collected and gathered for the purpose of processing your reservations and executing the contracted services. In order to do this, we use Rebag Data company software (Protel Management Suite).

We process your details using software that is based on the legitimate interest of data management, which is both favourable and effective for customers.

Video monitoring
Within the context of a stay in one of our hotels, images are captured by the video surveillance system installed in the communal areas for safety purposes.

The implementation of the video surveillance system is indicated by the presence of an information panel affixed in the entrance to our hotels.

This video surveillance system that is implemented in our hotels is subject to the prior authorisation of the city/town prefecture where our hotel is located.

HELIONWOOD as editor of the Website may proceed with the implementation of a cookie on the hard drive of your terminal (computer, tablet, mobile etc.) when you visit our Website.

HELIONWOOD uses cookies to allow content to be shared on social networks, offering you marketing offers that conform to your tastes, and to know the pages visited and the frequency of visits. This allows us to make it more user-friendly and to offer you services that are tailored and personalised during your next visit to the Website.

 For this reason, we collect the following data:

The navigation route taken by a visitor to our Website;
Duration of the visit to the Website or page;
The page that the visitor was on when they left the Website;
The country, region or town/city from where it was accessed;
Recurring or new visitor.
Information gathered by cookies does not allow you to be identified by name.

To disable cookies, we ask you to click on the “help” tab on our browser or read the information provided with your browser software.

Here is how to disable cookies:

For Mozilla Firefox users:
Select the “Tools” menu, then “Options”,
Click on the “Privacy” icon,
Scroll down to the “Cookie” menu and select the best options for you.
For Microsoft Internet Explorer users:
Choose the “tools” menu, then “Internet Options”,
Click on the “Confidentiality” tab,
Choose the desired level using the cursor.
For Google Chrome users:
Click on the wrench icon in the browser’s toolbar,
Select “Parameters”,
Click on “Advanced Settings”,
In the “Confidentiality” section, click on the “Content Parameters” button,
In the “Cookies” section, choose the best options for you.

HELIONWOOD is the sole recipient of your personal information, as well as the appointed employees of commercial and marketing services, within the limit of their respective roles and whilst respecting the present section.

HELIONWOOD will undertake no marketing, rental or divulging of your personal data to third parties other than the companies that belong to this group, its service providers within the European Union or an administrative or judicial authority which has been given an injunction. HELIONWOOD has concluded agreements with carefully selected third parties for the processing of online payments, hosting and Website management, and within the terms of which is bound to ensure the data protection of any personal data that they may have been provided.

HELIONWOOD shall only retain your information throughout the strict duration required for processing for the purposes in the present section.

The retention duration for your personal data varies depending on the purpose for which it has been collected:

Within the context of reservation management, your personal data is retained for three years from the end of the business relationship;
Documents and accounting documents are retained for ten years, for the purpose of accounting evidence;
Personal data regarding your bank card is retained by our service provider for thirty days following customer check out, even in the event of claims or outstanding payments, in which case this duration shall not exceed thirteen months after customer check out;
Your personal data is subject to a judicial requisition (connection details, identity, contact details, data relating to transactions) and is retained for twelve months from the time that it is collected.
Images are retained for 1 month and can be viewed, in the event of an incident, by staff employed by the HELIONWOOD company and by law enforcement agencies.

When providing your personal data, you accept that it will be collected, transferred and stored for the purposes mentioned in the present section. HELIONWOOD shall undertake all technical and organisational safety measures to ensure the protection of your information, in accordance with regulation.

For this purpose, we have implemented technical measures (such as fire walls) and organisational measures (such as an identification system/password, physical protection measures etc.).

However, despite these precautions, no data transmitted via the Internet is entirely secure. Consequently, any communication of your data shall be undertaken at your own risk and HELIONWOOD cannot be held liable in the event of an unintended third-party intrusion of your information.

In accordance with law 2018-493 of 20 June 2018 regarding data protection and GDPR, as the person concerned, you have certain rights which may be exercised by writing to HELIONWOOD, 6 rue de Berri, 75008 Paris or by email to:

These rights are as follows:

Right of access and communication of your personal data
You have the right to seek confirmation from HELIONWOOD that your personal data is or is not subject to processing and, where necessary, the right to access your personal data.

On request, HELIONWOOD shall provide you with a free copy of your personal data during processing. The provision of other copies requested shall incur administrative costs.

Right to data portability of your personal data
You have the right to receive your personal data provided to HELIONWOOD, in a structured format, for common use and automatic reading, and the right to transfer this data to another person responsible for processing.

Right to rectification of your personal data
You have the right to ask HELIONWOOD to have your personal data corrected, if it is not correct.

For the correction of data, HELIONWOOD is bound to notify each recipient to whom the corrected data has been sent.

Right to suppress your personal data – “Right to erasure”
You have the right to ask HELIONWOOD to suppress your personal data when one of the following reasons apply:

Your personal data is no longer required for the purposes for which it has been gathered or processed;
You withdraw consent to the processing of your personal data and there is no other legal basis for such processing;
You oppose processing in virtue of the right of opposition and any legitimate interest to justify processing;
In the event that your personal data is illegally processed;
Unless contrary provisions occur, HELIONWOOD is not obliged to suppress your personal data insofar as the processing is considered necessary to fulfil a legal obligation which HELIONWOOD is subject to or for the declaration, exercising or defence of a right in the event of any litigation.

In the event of suppression of your personal data, HELIONWOOD shall notify each beneficiary/entity to whom the suppressed data has been transferred, except if this communication seems impossible or implies a disproportionate effort.

Right to oppose the collection and processing of your personal data
The exercising of this right is only possible in one of the two following situations:

When the exercising of this right is based on legitimate grounds; or
When the exercising of this right is intended to prevent data collected being used for marketing purposes.

Possibility of opting out of telephone sales
By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that HELIONWOOD may collect telephone data with a view to rendering its Services. 

Pursuant to Article L. 223-2 of the French Consumer Code, and Law No. 2014-344 of 17 March 2014 on consumption, the Customer may register free of charge on the BLOCTEL telephone anti-solicitation list ( if they no longer wish to be solicited by telephone. The Customer can sign up to this list free of charge on the website

Any request relating to the communication, portability, rectification, suppression, opposition of processing of your personal data, must be accompanied by a photocopy of your valid signed ID which states the address at which HELIONWOOD could contact the applicant.

HELIONWOOD is bound to respond to your request to access, rectify or oppose or any other additional information request within a reasonable period that shall not exceed 1 month from the receipt of your request.

In the event that your personal data is breached, HELIONWOOD shall be bound to notify the CNIL [National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties] pursuant to the conditions prescribed by the GDPR.

If you consider that HELIONWOOD does not respect your obligations with regard to your personal data, you can address a complaint or request to the competent authority. In France, the competent authority is the CNIL [National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties], to which you can address a request electronically by clicking on the following link: