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Soar to new heights…


Soar to new heights…

The Bassin d'Arcachon, a true gem of the Atlantic coast, reveals its infinite charms under the sky of southwest of France. Between its white sandy beaches and its iconic Landes pine forests, this region captivates with its splendour and authenticity, offering a call to escape.

To fully experience the majesty of the Bassin d'Arcachon, there's nothing like gaining some altitude, a true journey to the top to discover the most spectacular panoramas. From the timeless elegance of the Cap Ferret lighthouse to the breathtaking views offered from the Dune du Pilat, along with the hidden secrets along the coastal paths, get ready to be dazzled by the incomparable splendour of this region.

Whether you're a hiking enthusiast, a history buff, or simply in search of wonder, these explorations between sky and earth will captivate you, offering unforgettable moments.

The Cap Ferret Lighthouse

Dominating proudly the northern tip of the Cap Ferret peninsula, the lighthouse emerges as a symbol of majesty above the shimmering waters of the Bassin d'Arcachon. Erected in 1840, this lighthouse steeped in history offers much more than just a panoramic view of the landscape; it embodies the relationship between man and sea, light and horizon.

The ascent of the 258 steps through the spiral staircase is an adventure in itself. At each landing, the climb reveals the hidden treasures of the Bassin. Upon reaching the top, a visual symphony dazzles the senses: the shimmering waters stretch as far as the eye can see, punctuated by authentic pinasses, while the famous oyster beds sparkle under the sunlight.

Take the time, once you've reached the top, to contemplate the endless horizon where the ocean and the sky meet, an ideal moment of relaxation. For even more spectacle, the changing colours of dusk will surprise you and paint the ocean with an enchanting palette of warm hues.

The visit to the Cap Ferret lighthouse is much more than just a viewpoint; it's a place where time seems suspended, where the soul rises with every breath of the sea breeze. It's there, at the top of this stone tower, that one fully grasps the grandeur and incomparable beauty of the Bassin d'Arcachon.


The Pointe du Cap Ferret

At the majestic entrance of the Bassin d'Arcachon, the Pointe du Cap Ferret is unveiled. This preserved paradise offers much more than just a panoramic view: it embodies the very essence of wild nature.

Its pristine beaches stretch as far as the eye can see, caressed by the waves of the Atlantic Ocean to the west, while the calm waters of the basin gently kiss their shores to the east. The blonde dunes, adorned with junipers and fragrant bushes, add to the sensation of being closest to the magnificent nature.

Walking along the sandy paths of the Pointe du Cap Ferret is immersing oneself in a peaceful and suspended landscape, where only the cries of seagulls and the murmurs of the waves resonate, forming an enchanting symphony.

For an unforgettable experience, we invite you to climb the heights of the dunes and discover a breathtaking spectacle. Before you unfolds the Bassin d'Arcachon in all its splendor, dotted with the white sails of pinasses and patterns drawn by oyster beds in the shimmering waters.

The Pointe du Cap Ferret is much more than just an extraordinary viewpoint; it's a true haven of peace where one feels in perfect communion with nature. Whether you witness the sunrise over the Bassin d’Arcachon or savor the sunset over the Atlantic Ocean, every moment spent at the Pointe du Cap Ferret is a precious gift from nature, an invitation to contemplation and gratitude.

Domaine de Certes-Graveyron

Located in the commune of Audenge, the Domaine de Certes-Graveyron stands as a true sanctuary of nature in the heart of the Bassin d'Arcachon. This vast space, between marshes and meadows, offers an enchanting escape away from urban hustle, where biodiversity reigns supreme and landscapes evolve with the tides.

Trails wind through these natural environments, offering visitors a total immersion in this preserved ecosystem. The observatories scattered along the routes allow the observation of the local fauna in its natural habitat, from migratory birds to crabs, or even grey herons.

But it's especially from the highest points of the Domain that one fully appreciates the wild beauty of the Bassin d'Arcachon. From the top of the wooden observatories, the panoramas stretch as far as the eye can see, revealing the changing contours of the basin with the tides. In the distance, the characteristic silhouette of the Dune of Pilat is outlined on the horizon, while the surrounding islands seem to float on the calm waters.

The Corniche de Pyla-sur-Mer

The Corniche de Pyla-sur-Mer unfolds like a coastal ribbon, offering visitors a unique perspective on the natural treasures of the Bassin d'Arcachon.

This winding road, which meanders along the coast between Pyla-sur-Mer and Arcachon, reveals breathtaking landscapes, where the majesty of the Atlantic Ocean meets the tranquility of the inland waters of the basin.

As you traverse this corniche, you are mesmerized by the stunning panoramas that unfold before your amazed eyes. Belvederes along the way provide opportunities to stop and admire the view, offering unique perspectives of the basin, the Dune of Pilat, and the surrounding pine forests.

But it's especially from the top of the Dune of Pilat that one can fully appreciate the grandeur of the landscape. By climbing this immense sandhill, one gradually rises above the world, until reaching the summit of this majestic dune, the tallest in Europe. Up there, the gaze embraces a 360-degree panorama, where the infinite blue of the ocean harmoniously merges with the deep greens of the pine forests.

From visiting the Cap Ferret lighthouse to discovering the Corniche de Pyla-sur-Mer, explore the Bassin d'Arcachon from every angle.

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